1st Annual MAN-UP MAN Camp (1).png

26 - 28 February 2021

Why you need to be here ?

Because men are hurting and in a bad way in our culture currently. Our life expectancy is five years less than that of females. Men commit suicide four times more often than females. We are two times more likely to binge drink, we have a significantly higher rate of alcohol related accidents and accidental death. We have a record high number of mental health issues facing men in today’s society, something is chewing up and spitting out men, what is it?

Transformation is not a future event. It is a present activity.
— Jillian Michaels



Maple Fork Lodge - Mount Hope, WV


Who should attend ?

Men that:

  • are ready to Man-Up and put in the work

  • want to be around a campfire with a frosty beverage after a good day of work

  • need to get outdoors and want to learn new skills

  • are tired of Zoom calls and Virtual meetings

  • that are willing to Learn, Share, & Grow

  • don’t have it all figured out and are willing to admit they struggle at times

  • want to be better husbands, fathers, friends, siblings, humans



Lodge (spots limited) - $500


Tent Camping - $ 250

all Meals & Snacks included & some sweet SWAG



  • How long is it?

From Friday Afternoon / Evening until Noon on Sunday

The minimum age for MAN CAMP is 18. We know there are lots of 15 year old men (and 40 year old boys), but the law says you're an adult at 18

  • How old do I have to be to attend ?

  • Will there be alcohol ?

Alcohol will NOT be provided but you may bring your own. We believe men can choose to partake but please respect the fact that some Men may be fighting addiction issues and that we are not here to Party.

  • What should I bring ?

You must bring a PMA (Positive Mental Attitude), once you’re signed up we will send a suggested packing list

  • Will we hug trees ?

No but we may have to chop a few down and throw axes at others. We do expect you to be non-judgmental and just like anything in life you will get out of it only what you put in. It may sound like some mamsy-pamsy yap about your feelings pow-wow’s but it will be authentic Men being honest and talking about more than the weather or Tom Brady’s dominance.

  • How cold will it be ?

Cold, February in the West Virginia mountains cold. Tough men do tough things (we may even get in the pond…) and there will be fire.

  • What if it rains ?

We will probably get wet. Not all of the events will be outdoors.


We believe it’s impossible to bring together amazing human beings and not have amazing things happen.

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True Transformation is permanent and it has an everlasting ripple effect in all areas of our lives.

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“Now I see the secret of making the best person, it is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth.”
— Walt Whitman